

wtf. it's been how long since i've scribbled here??? can't be. well, yes it can be. now what motorcycle tall tales have rolled around since...

Lost Weekend doesn't count because we, (altho we do have motorcycle oil in our veins) didn't ride up to Daytona Beach (home of speed and motorcycles), but it was still an interesting adventure and we played the game as best we could. Linda snatched a ring side position for the main event of Bubba Whoop A... Wilson versus Tony Rage, to play with her camera and she actually lost her car keys. but the view from our 14th floor getaway and the "reality not allowed" attitude and finally finding her keys made everything ok. our early saturday morning sunrise ish leisurely, and by leisurely, i mean strollingly cruise north with no real destination or time constraints.we came along this treat...
then the rock and rollin saturday nite party chased away any last resemblance to normalcy, after a beack work out of course...

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