
day 18

i'm going to rattle on about Dola's Last Tour 'de Sore Butt to Lake Ockeechobee in a minute but first, i've found some pics and road tales that i've skipped and have been meaning to add...
another sat. morning and another SCHOG ride. This one is led by Lisa Dye and the Ladies of Harley and they invited us lowly men to play with them too. So, show up for play time we did.
April weather is perfect for puttin around the jungle , so after some group riding reminders and a lay out of the route, we saddled up and rode. Out east from the new shop on Hwy. 46 thru Sorrento and winding thru Zellwood, home of the famous Corn Festival http://www.zellwoodcornfestival.com/ and then around the lake in Clermont to the Rusty Fox.
Lunch was perfect and a time to chat with clubbers about all things motorcycle.

Lunch time over and time to saddle up again and head for LakeRidge Winery and do some serious wine tasting. The woman with the red and white hat is 67 years old and rides her Harley with pride. In the "on the road" photo thats ChainSaw in the red shirt and his wife on her sportser to his right. He calls her WeedWhacker. Some day i hope to hear the stories of where those names came from. When i asked him initially he just kinda sighed, laughed and said "that was a long time ago and quite a night." anyhoo he is the one who sets his cruise control and takes rolling pics. here's one he tok of me. i think it's the only pic of me hoggin it that i have.
Thats his wifey in the background with a shit eating grin on her mug. You know. the kind we all get when puttin in the country side with friends.


Grumpyunk said...

Looks like you're having to much fun! Nice looking bike too.

Kathleen Jennette said...


Biker Betty said...

I have a hard time believing the woman in the red & white hat is 67!?!. I hope I look that good at her age. Cool pic of you on your bike.

Kathleen Jennette said...

Hey, how are you....thought I would stop over and give you the up and up on the helmet cam... I have used it, BUT I dropped my camcorder and the CAMCORDER broke!! UGHGHGH! So I have to wait to get the funds up to buy another. It is SO FUN! I would highly recommend it. I bought it from helmetcamera.com. Now, the downside of it is, there are some connections to it. You have to have a backpack or place on your bike to carry the camcorder. You use a very STRONG velcro to connect the helmetcam to the helmet (and I think I will solve the problem of backpack if I put the Helmetcam on my windshield or handlebars somehow--gotta work that one out) then I can put the camcorder in my windshield bag). So there are wires connecting to it. The film turns out as good as your camcorder films....I think thats great. And this Helcam has a tough outer shell to protect it (you can run over it and its ok). You can buy lenses for it too. I can't wait to get another camcorder I am hoping I can wait til the 8th of July....Hint to my family to get me a new ccorder for my birthday!! If I don't get one, well I guess I go shopping. I hope this helps. Just want to get the video going.

Biker Betty said...

Here's a link to Shiny Side Up who gives pics and info on the helmet cam he uses


He uses his helmet cam a lot.

Biker Betty said...

When I posted the previous note, I noticed for some reason the link got chopped off. I will try again:


Biker Betty said...

Sigh, don't know why the link keeps getting chopped. Anyone interested just email and I will email it back.