Let the tasing begin. 5 Dollars, for all you can taste and a large bowl of Seminole Counties Special Chili, "are you kiddin me?". I'm in. Breakfast is an adventure this morning.
We, SCHOG's and the rest of the civilized world, loves our local Bahia Shriners and the outstanding service they provide.
Sam Swope is a man among men and his generousity with his time, energy and spirit is unmatched.
Our very own Seminole State Boosters are still grinning from ear to ear over being Number One and the BCS Champs. Oh, and their chili was hot hot hot...
Here is Dirty Jim, before the competition begins with the top chefs for the Seminole County Harley Owners Group. Oh yas. The SCHOGS proudly reclaimed the Peoples Choice Award for the 3rd year in a row. Sorry Dirty, better luck next year...
Dirty's partner and leader in radio crime is Russ Rollins who everyyear strives to be the most unique chili master. Yes he is trying to look like Elmer Fudd and his lovely is whacky. O, and a little help from Mr. Willow Tree in the kitchen helped their Drunkin Rabbit Chili.
Russ and team went on to win "Most Unique" award for 2014. the fact that he is bestest friends with the event organizer is beside the point...
and, as icing on the cake. which county do you think finished in First, Second and Third place in the motorcycle skills challenge??
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