

Its' currently 8am. sunday morning and i can visit here for a bit while the homestead is quiet. Picked up the "repaired" computer from the new local shop. Built a quick 30 minute film and set the software Pinnacle to "create dvd" and then had to leave to pick up Joey and Marti. On the way home, lovey calls to say "your computer is making that sound again". i could hear in the background the most hatefull sound ever of the puters alarms going off, just like before going into the shop. So now i'm down 200 plus bones and still can not create my movies.rrrrrrrrrrrrrr. "I'm sorry" says lovey. "It'll probably mean a new motherboard" i guess out loud.rrrrrrrrrr. Which reminds me. "Talk Like a Pirate Day" is fast upon us. Sept. 19http://www.talklikeapirate.com/. I think that bikers are pirates deep down, so expect some interesting stories.
It's always something. Missed destination daytona's bike night last nite due to lovey not wanting to rided in the rain. spoke with d and n and heard that they would ride over there and gives us the low down. They only live 10 minutes away. Which also means that during biketoberfest http://www.biketoberfest.org/ and bike week http://www.officialbikeweek.com/ one constantly hears the vibrating vroooom vrooooom of freedom.
now for a few pieces of items not mentioned in bh5. V reminded me of some points:
continued...When V. jumped out of the home in industrial billings montana to run into the Casino for directions, Z jumped out with a flashlight and stood behind the trailer with the motorcyles in it to direct traffic around us. Flash, flash, wave it here and there. "Hope this can be seen. Man it sure is quiet out here" Z thinks to himself. V. rolls out of the club and laughs heartily asking "how many cars came by?" he knew the answer was zero and laughed all the more.
Next. Now they were all used to people stopping, staring and askinglots of questions about V. sled. One of my favorite answers so far is "Well, it started out as a vtx." and this adventure had its share of those, but as they were leaving the SuperWalMart (after being checked out by a sweet cross-eyed, tooth challenged, chuncky girl who remarked at them" i used to think they were bad, but now gray haired bikers are so sexy". Z had his usual hat on altho his long gray beard was all a scraggle, so they all turned to V and had a good laugh) was a group of teenagers going in the store and the loud mouth boy holllers out across the lot. "Hey. Nice bike man. Is that a v-8 in it?" V. was at a loss for words.
a good nites sllep was followed by a glorious sunrise with t shirt weather and high clouds. i walked up to the front office to register after finding a ticket on the windshield reminding us to, even tho i had filled out the paperwork last night or more correctly at 4 am.Anyhoo the good old boy Luke who ran the place recommended "i think you'll like the Bear Tooth Pass and the Chief Joseph Highway for a nice motorcycle ride" Z. relates this to the others, they scout it out on the map and agree. Z determines from his Magellean GPS that we are at 5 thousand some feet at the camp. Yikes, they live at 25 feet, this really isn't Kansas anymore Toto.

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